Title: Flexible, resilient and proximity public spaces for dynamic urban regeneration
Title: Cities at the Dawn of AI: a discourse on Urban Revolutions, Functions and Risks
Title: Challenging Planning and Design for a More Resilient City
Title: Tourism Resilience and Environmental Transformations: New Challenges for Cultural and Socio-economic Sustainability
Title: Urban Climate, Open spaces: A Path to Urban Regeneration and Resilient Design
Title: Cities’ cultural heritage management in times of climate change
Title: Cultural Heritage as a Contributor to Territorial/Urban Resilience
Title: ΜΝΕΜΕ: Tangible and intangible expressions, the relationship with place identity and sustainable planning & development
Title: Cities in transition: Innovative approaches in shaping urban cultural heritage
Title: Urban Design Governance: Nuances and Vicissitudes in the European South
Title: Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends
Title: Adapting to climate change: threats and opportunities for landscape and cultural heritage management
Title: “Wet dreams” of landscape admiration or “nightmares” of destruction: a session on water-scape cultural and environmental resilience
Title: Components of Urban Design Towards a Sustainable Mediterranean City
Title: Design for climate adaptation in urban public spaces: from assessment to integrated intervention
Title: Emerging Trends in Cities in the Post-COVID Era and Implications for Urban Development and Planning Policy.
Title: RETHINKING ΤΗΕ FUTURE OF CITIES; Impacts & challenges of teleworking - Roundtable Discussion