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All honourable authors are invited to submit an abstract and full paper for the conference themes and topics. The submitted abstracts and papers will be reviewed by our Scientific Committee, and the authors will be notified well in advance about the outcome of the evaluation. You will receive a confirmation email with after your Abstract and Paper Submission has been successfully submitted. You can view or edit your submission by returning to your profile in submission system.

Your ABSTRACT can be an oral presentation or a poster presentation. Please note that PAPER SUBMISSION IS OPTIONAL.

Abstracts will be published in the e-book of Abstracts and full papers will be published in the e-book of Conference Proceedings, with separate ISBN numbers.

Please ensure your submission meets the conference's strict guidelines for accepting scholarly papers.

Before submitting, please refer the following instructions carefully and use the templates provided by the conference.

Information about the submission process can be found in the online submission system → “Instructions for Authors”.

Please notice that

  • The final date for Extended Abstract submission is[February 16th 2024], [March 1st 2024], March 10th 2024.
  • The final date for Full Paper submission is [May 15th 2024], June 1st 2024.
  • At least one of the authors should register and attend the conference, in order to make the abstract or the paper eligible for presentation (as either oral or poster presentations) and publication in the e-book of Abstracts or in the e-book of Conference Proceedings with ISBN numbers.
  • The conference fees cover up to TWO presentations
  • In the case of co-authors of a paper, all authors participating in the conference have to pay the fees.
  • Please, let us know if you prefer your paper to be considered as oral or poster presentation.
  • Please, let us know who among the authors will be responsible for the presentation of the paper (either oral presentation or poster).
  • Please, suggest one or two of the conference topics where your paper best fits.
  • Please, let us know if you have been invited by any organizer of a special session.
  • This year the e-book of Conference Proceedings will be published in September.

The organizing committee is in contact with international scientific journals and selected papers from the conference will be published in special issues, after they have been reviewed. The participants will be informed regarding this possibility by e-mail.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Conference Secretariat (umlab@uth.gr, 00302421074460, 00302421074422)


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Email us any time and we will respond shortly.
