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The conference is organised by University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece https://www.uth.gr/en/. The Lab of Urban Morphology and Design, directed by Dr. Aspa Gospodini, Professor of Urban Planning & Design, Email: umlab@uth.gr, Department of Planning & Regional Development [ http://www.prd.uth.gr/en/ ], Faculty of Engineering, University of Thessaly, Pedion Areos, 38 334 Volos, Greece.

In co-organisation with

Department of Mediterranean Studies [https://dms.aegean.gr/en/], Faculty of Humanities, University of the Aegean, Rhodes Island.  7th March Building, 1 Demokratia Avenue, 85132 Rhodes Island, Greece.





B1. Academic staff

1. Prof. Aspa Gospodini, Professor of ‘Urban Planning & Design’, Director of the MSc Course ‘Urban Regeneration, Urban Development, & Real Estate’, Director of the Lab of Urban Morphology & Design, Department of Planning & Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece, Chair of the Organising Committee and the International Scientific Board;
2. Prof. George Petrakos, former Rector of University of Thessaly, Professor of Regional Planning, Department of Planning & Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece;
3. Prof. Yannis Seimenis, Professor of ‘Modern Mediterranean History’, Department of Mediterranean Studies, Head of Faculty of Human Studies, Aegean University, Rhodes, Greece;
4. Prof. Sotirios Dalis, Αssociate Professor in ‘International Relations – International Politics and European Integration’, Head of the Department of Mediterranean Studies, Aegean University, Rhodes, Greece;
5. Dr. Dimitris Kalergis, Assistant Professor in ‘Architectural & Urban Design’, Department of Planning & Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece;
6. Dr. Nikos Samaras, Lecturer in ‘Urban Renewal in Historical centres and building complexes’, Department of Planning & Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece.

B2. The conference Secretariat

7. Mr. Isidoros Papas, Dipl. In Chemistry, PhD Candidate in Public Administration, Chief Officer of Administration, Department of Planning & Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Secretariat Assistant;
8. Ms. Anna Vouza-Roskagia, Dipl. Planner, MSc in Urban Regeneration and Development, PhD Candidate in Urban Planning and Design, Department of Planning & Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Officer of the conference secretariat;
9. Ms. Irene-Maria Kachrila, Dipl. Planner, MSc in Urban Regeneration, Urban Development & Real Estate, PhD Candidate in Urban Planning and Design, Department of Planning & Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Officer of the conference secretariat; 
10. Mrs. Effie Karanikola, Dipl. Psychologist, Dipl. Planner, PhD Candidate in Urban Planning, Department of Planning & Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Secretariat Assistant;
11. Ms. Maria Akrivopoulou, Dipl. Planner, Department of Planning & Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Officer of the conference secretariat;
12. Ms. Marina Oikonomou, Dipl. In Economics, MSc in Finance, Cash Flow Officer, European Investment Fund, Luxembourg, public relations officer for European Institutions.

B3. The Conference Informational Technical Support

13. Dr. Georgios Giannikis, Computer Scientist;
14. Mr. Aggouras Panagiotis, computer scientist, Aegean University, Rhodes, Greece;
15. Dimitris Oikonomou, undergraduate student, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece, assistant in computer services at the conference venue.

B4. The Conference Financial Management

16. Nikos Oikonomou, Dipl. In Economics, MSc in Economics, Director of Property Management and Development Company, University of Thessaly, Financial Project Manager and Accounting Manager of the conference.

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