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The 6th International Conference on Changing Cities; CHANGING CITIES VI:

Conference Photos_Rhodes Island 24-28 June 2024.

You can download the Conference photos from the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ChangingCitiesConference



The Best Conference Papers submitted by Young Researchers will be published in theme-issues of scientific journals:

1. "Aeichoros", Journal of Planning and Development, University of Thessaly, Greece.
2. “Cities, Design & Sustainability. The New Series”, University of Florence, Italy.


The Organising Committee of the conference recognises the difficulties and the travel costs for PhD Students, and Researchers of Universities in great distance from Rhodes Island


On line presentations of participants will take place on Friday 28th of June. The Registration Fees are down to 200 euros.


ACADEMIC PRIZES for the Best three (3) Papers which will be presented in the 6th Changing Cities conference by young MSc and PhD researchers (younger than 35 years old).

The Prize includes (a) the publication of the best papers in a peer-review journal, (b) 250 euros (corresponding to the Registration fees for students). Prizes will be awarded by October, when the E-Book of Proceedings will have been published and the Jury Committee will be able to select the best three papers. The members of the Jury Committee for these Prizes will be set up from the Scientific Committee of the conference. If you are interested in undertaking this task, please let us know.

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