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Mobile Workshop

The Organising Committee will offer two Mobile Workshops.

1. MOBILE WORKSHOP TO LINDOS (Friday 28th of June 2024, 08:00 – 14:00).

2. WALKING WORKSHOP IN RHODES OLD TOWN (Thursday 27th of June 2024, 18:30-20:00).

Participation is optional and the cost per person is not included in the conference fees. 


On the last conference morning, Friday 28th June 2024, we will organise a Mobile Workshop to Lindos area. 

Gathering point in front of the Conference Venue.

Tickets will be available at the Registration Desk during Monday 24th of June, Tuesday 25th of June, and Thursday the 27th. Since there is a great interest by conference participants, please buy your tickets at the Registration Desk, as soon as you arrive at the conference venue.



Lindos Archaelogical site

Lindos Acropolis are the ruins of the goddess Athena Lindia, temples from the 4th century BC As well as the Propylaea, the great Hellenistic Stoa and the Byzantine chapel of Saint John. In the time of the Knights of St. John, the castle is surrounded by sturdier fortress walls while the flowering period of Lindos extends as a naval power up to the 19th century.

According to myth, the cult of Athena Lindia was pre-Hellenic, although this is not borne out by the sporadic excavation finds. The history of the sanctuary begins in the Geometric period (9th c. BC). In the Archaic period the tyrant of Lindos, Kleoboulos, revived the cult and built a temple, probably on the site of an earlier one. The Archaic temple had the same Doric tetrastyle amphiprostyle plan as the subsequent one.

The sanctuary was approached by a rough flight of steps. After it was burnt down in 342 BC, the present temple was built with the Propylaea and the monumental staircase. The Hellenistic stoa is later. In the 3rd c. BC the cult of Zeus Polieus was introduced, although Athena remained the principal deity of the sanctuary. In the Roman period, the priest Aglochartos planted olive trees on the spot, and according to an inscription the Sanctuary of Psithyros was built close to the Temple of Athena (2nd c. AD).




Archaeological site of Lindos

The archaeological site of Lindos extends outside and around the Acropolis and includes the following monuments:


This is on the southwest side of the hill, below the Temple of Athena. The circular orchestra and the auditorium for the spectators were hollowed out of the the side of the hill. The proedries, honorary seats around the orchestra for officials, still survive. The auditorium has 19 rows of seats below the diazoma and 7 above it. The first three rows were also intended for officials, and low walls at their sides separated them from the auditorium staircases. Only five of the nine cunei have survived. The theatre held 1,800 spectators.

Four-portico building.

There are remains of a four-sided building in the extension of the skene of the Theatre. On the inside columns on all four sides supported a pitched roof and surrounded an open-air courtyard. The entrance on the northwest side had a porch (row of columns) which carried an architrave. The building held 1500-1700 spectators and was intended for religious ceremonies. At a later period the place was occupied successively by three Christian churches.


At Vigli, northeast of the Acropolis, was the Boukopion, a place of sacrifices as the name implies. 38 inscriptions on the rocks around identify the place. A naiskos (small church) built of small field stones with a temple, pronaos and kind of vestibule contained the votive offerings (clay and bronze figurines chiefly of oxen) to a deity at present unidentified (10th-9th c. BC).

The cemeteries of ancient Lindos.

The cemeteries of ancient Lindos spread over the surrounding district; the most important two funerary monuments are:

The Tomb of Kleoboulos

This has no connection with the tyrant of Lindos, but was the tomb of a wealthy family. It is a circular structure with carefully built masonry and a vaulted roof. The doorway has a cornice decorated with palmettes. On the inside a bed hewn out of the rock was a kind of sarcophagus and had a cover, which has not survived (2nd-1st c. BC). Traces of wall-painting and the name "Ayios Aimilianos" testify to its conversion into a Christian church in a later period.

The Archokrateion

In the locality of Kampana at Krana, on the hill west of the Acropolis, there is a rock-cut tomb. The exterior facade has two stories; half-columns on the ground floor support an architrave with metopes and triglyphs, and on the upper floor pillars alternate with blind openings. On the first floor facade funerary altars were erected with the names of the dead inscribed on their bases. On the inside a passage led to a place for burial rituals. A total of 19 graves are cut into the walls of this chamber. On the sides of the hall pillars alternate with plaster panels. Its modern name of "Frangokklesia" suggests that in the time of the Knights it was used as a church.

The Naiskos of the Taxiarch Michael Stratelates below the village square. There is a shallow niche with a post-Byzantine representation of the Archangel Michael Psychopompos. The traces of earlier frescos date it to the Byzantine period.

West of it, near the remains of the Moslem cemetery, is a shallow niche containing the representation of a mounted saint, possibly 15th c. These remains are known as Ayios Georgios Kammenos.

The Church of Panayia

The village church is oblong with a transverse nave of the free cruciform type. In 1489 Grand Master Pierre d'Aubusson gave money for the repair of the church and the construction of a groin-vaulted vestibule for it. The grand master's escutcheon and that of the commander of the castle, Pierre d'Aymer, can be seen on the south side of the smaller bell-tower. The frescos in the church are still preserved. The oldest inscription gives the date 1637. However, the painting in the church as a whole is listed as the work of the painter Gregorios from Symi, in 1779.

Aghios Georgios Chostos

An inscribed cruciform church with a cupola, which is on the northwest edge of the village. In the apse of the sanctuary are five layers of fresco painting belonging to the post-Iconoclast period in the 2nd half of the 12th c., and to post-Byzantine times.

Aghios Georgios Pachymachiotis or Pano

This inscribed cruciform church with a cupola dates to 1394/95 according to an inscription on the south side of the front of the apse. It is decorated with full-figure saints in luxurious attire on the south wall of the church, hierarchs below the arch of the sanctuary and part of a representation of the Ascension in the vault.


Aghios Menas Church

This the same type as Ayios Georgios Chostos. It has interesting late 12th c. frescos which are late Komnene in style but 15th c. in date.

Aghios Demetrios

A small barrel-vaulted church northeast of the entrance to the Acropolis. In a blind apse on its north wall can be seen a 15th c. St Demetrios on horseback.

In the locality of Vigli under the east cliff of the Acropolis, the mosaic floor and marble tiling of an Early Christian basilica have been found, dating to the 5th c.

The village of Lindos

The streets of Lindos are a maze of continuous buildings, chiefly with interior courtyards. Most of the houses have flat roofs, but some variety of types can be seen among the buildings that have not been affected by time and changes of use and shape. The material used in their construction is either the local quarried poros stone or field stones which have been plastered and whitewashed. The houses of Lindos all have features in common, but they can be divided into different classes: simple ones resembling the country cottages of the island, houses with a courtyard, and mansions.


The most representative mansions are known by the names of their owners: the House of Papakonstantis (1626), of Kyriakos Koliodos, of Lefteris Makris (1700), of Krikis (1700), of Georgios, of Marietta Markoulitsa (1700), of Ioannidis, etc. With the arrival of neoclassicism in Greece at the end of the 19th c, Lindos, Like Rhodes town, adopted some of the new architectural features: large windows facing the street, two-storey houses with tiled saddle roofs and gable ends. The doors in the yard walls have jambs and lintels reminiscent of ancient temples. New houses were also built, which no longer had anything in common with the old mansions.




Lindos beaches

Lindos area offers a stunning sandy seashore which is located just below the village of Lindos. The beach is only a 10-minute walk away from the main village square. You can opt for the small beach called “Pallas” or the larger one called “Megalos Yialos.”



 Copyright Ownership (images & text): https://www.rhodesguide.com/



The Organising Committee will offer a guided walking tour in Rhodes Medieval city centre on Thursday 27th of June 2024, 18:30-20:00.

Most of the streets of Rhodes Old Town are now part of a pedestrian network which makes it perfect for someone to explore it on foot. This walking workshop will take you through the city’s historic highlights including palaces, museums, squares, windmills and viewpoints. The route is 3.5km (1.9 miles) and takes 45 minutes to walk straight through.


The Street of The Knights

Medieval palaces and gates, cobbled streets and thick stone ramparts, are taking the visitor back through time. This UNESCO World Heritage site owes much of its character to the Knights of St John. Also known as the Knights Hospitaller, this Catholic military order occupied Rhodes from 1309–1523. During that time they transformed the city into a walled stronghold, and it’s kept a lots of its original medieval character.

The Liberty Gate – starting point for the walkRhodes-Town-liberty-gate.jpg

The Liberty Gate (Eleftherias Gate) one of 11 gates which surround the fortified Old Town.

The Liberty Gate
The Liberty Gate is a good first step for this walk. Pass through the gate and walk along Apellou past the Municipal Art Gallery. Opposite, behind the taxi stop, you can see the ruins of the Temple of Aphrodite. This was built in the 3rd century BC and dedicated to the Greek goddess of love and beauty.

Just past the temple is Argyrokastro Square, a pretty cobbled square with a stone fountain made from an old baptismal font in the centre. Overlooking the square is the former Arsenal of the Knights of St John – now home to the Decorative Arts Collection of Rhodes. Inside the museum there’s a mixture of different forms of folk art from the 16th–20th centuries, including embroidery, woodcarvings, furniture and ceramics.

 Argyrokastro SquareRhodes-Argyrokastro-Square.jpg

Carrying on along Apellou Street. On your right you’ll see the Street of the Knights. One may continue walking and passing the turning, may reach the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes first.

Rhodes’ Archaeological Museum is located inside the impressive 15th-century former Knights’ Hospital. It showcases 7000 years worth of treasures collected from across Rhodes and other Dodecanese islands. The main building is set around a courtyard with galleries on different levels displaying pottery amphora, vases and statues.
There are also gardens, courtyards and annexes to explore, with displays including coins, jewellery and tombstones. Some of the highlights are a first-century marble statue of Aphrodite bathing and the wall-mounted mosaics.

Inside the Archaeological Museum of RhodesRhodes-Town-arch-museum.jpg

The archaeological Museum

Entry to the museum costs €6, or you can get a combined ticket for €10 which also includes entry to the Palace of the Grand Master and the Decorative Arts Collection of Rhodes.


The Street of the Knights was where the Knights of St John once lived, and follows part of an old road between the port and Acropolis of Rhodes. The knights were organised into seven ‘tongues’, depending on where they came from – England, Germany, Italy, France, Provence, Auvergne and Aragon – and each guarded a different section of the city walls.

Each tongue had its own inn, and as you walk up the street you can still see the emblems and inscriptions carved onto the façades which were used to identify them. The most ornate and impressive is the Auberge de France. It’s now used as an office by the French consulate, but is sometimes open to the public for events or exhibitions.

Street of the KnightsRhodes-Town-street-of-the-knights.jpg



At the top of the Street of the Knights, one reaches the Palace of the Grand Master on your right. With its tall stone towers, the Gothic Palace of the Grand Master dominates the skyline of Rhodes Old Town. It was built in the 14th century as an administrative centre and the residence of the Grand Master, who was in charge of the Knights of St John.

The palace was heavily damaged by an explosion in the 19th century and later restored by the Italians who occupied the island at the time. Only a fraction of its 158 rooms are open to the public, but the restored halls upstairs display furniture, tapestries, frescoes and mosaics. And there are two museums on the history of Rhodes downstairs.

Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of RhodesRhodes-palace-of-grand-master.jpg

Entry to the palace costs €6, or you can get a combined ticket for €10 which also includes entry to the Archaeological Museum and Decorative Arts Collection of Rhodes. You can also prebook skip-the-line tickets* (with or without audio guide) to avoid queuing.

After visiting the palace, one may turn left at the end of the Street of the Knights and walk down Orpheus Street as far as the Clock Tower (Roloi). Despite not looking very tall from outside, the Roloi Clock Tower is the highest point in the Old Town. The bottom of the tower dates from the 7th century but the top was rebuilt in the 1850s after being damaged. To get to the top you climb up a steep wooden staircase of 53 steps which takes you to a small, low-ceilinged room with windows on each side.
There are great views over the nearby Palace of the Grand Master, and the city walls, as well as out across the Old Town to the harbour. Entry to the tower costs €5, which also includes a drink in their terrace café afterwards.

The Roloi Clock TowerRhodes-Town-roloi-clock-tower.jpg

View from the Clock TowerRhodes-Town-mosque.jpg

The Gate of Saint Athanasios (Saint Anthony’s Gate) is another entrance to the Old Town built by the Knights. Walking through the gate one gets a good view of the imposing walls and moat around the city – more than enough to put off most prospective invaders. The moat (which was never filled with water) is now a park with walking paths running through it.

Saint Athanasios GateSaint-Athanasios-Gate-rhodes.jpg

The Square of the Jewish Martyrs (Plateia Evreon Martyron) is the heart of Rhodes Town’s Jewish Quarter. At the start of the 20th century, 5000 Jews lived in the city. But many left in the 1930s and 1673 were deported to Auschwitz during WWII. Only 151 survived the Holocaust and most later emigrated, leaving only a few Jews in Rhodes today.
There’s a black marble Holocaust Memorial in the centre of the square dedicated to Jews from Rhodes and Kos who lost their lives. You can also see the Sea Horse Fountain in the square, which is a replica of an original destroyed by bombing in WWII.

The Sea Horse Fountain and Holocaust MemorialRhodes-Town-square-of-jewish-martyrs.jpg

The Rhodes Jewish Museum is located inside the former women’s prayer room at the Kahal Shalom Synagogue. The synagogue was built in 1577. It’s the oldest synagogue in Greece and the last of Rhodes Town’s original six synagogues that’s still in use.

Inside Rhodes Jewish MuseumRhodes-Town-jewish-museum.jpg

The museum is dedicated to preserving the history of Rhodes’ Jewish population. There’s lots of information about their traditional way of life, religious rituals and the Ladino language they spoke, which derived from old Spanish, as well as a section on the Holocaust showing how the community was destroyed. Entry to the museum costs €6.

The square is surrounded by cafés, bars, restaurants and shops and is a popular spot in the evenings. The fountain in the centre of the square and a stone staircase are all that’s left of the original Castellania, a former courthouse built by the Knights of St John in the 14th century. And if you climb up the stairs you get a great view out over the square.

Hippocrates SquareRhodes-Town-hippocrates-square.jpg

At the bottom of the Castellania stairs, turning right and then right again and walking through the Sea Gate (also known as the Marine Gate). This gate was built in 1478 and was the main entrance into Rhodes Old Town from the harbour. After passing through the gate, crossing the road and turning left, walking along the water’s edge. When the road curves to the left, going straight on through the archway, passing St Paul’s Gate and on along the edge of Mandraki Harbour towards the three windmills.

The three Windmills of Mandraki along the breakwater of Mandraki Harbour were built for the Knights of St John in the 14th century to grind grain after it was unloaded from ships in the harbour. It’s thought there were originally up to 18 mills but only three are left, which have been renovated and make a great spot for photos at sunrise or sunset.

Just beyond the windmills is St Nicholas Fortress, which was built to guard the harbour from invaders on the site of an old chapel dedicated to St Nicholas. It started off as just a tower with the bastion added later on and a lighthouse on top after that.

The three Windmills of MandrakiRhodes-Town-windmills.jpg

Walking on to the end of the breakwater where one sees a doe statue on top of a pillar. Two columns with bronze statues of deer on top sit on either side of the entrance to Mandraki Harbour – a doe on this side of the harbour and a stag opposite. They depict local Rhodian Deer (Dama Dama) which are the symbol of the island. They’re said to have been brought to the island by the Crusaders but have probably lived here much longer.

The doe statue and St Nicholas Fortress in Mandraki harbourrhodes-town-doe-statue.jpg

The statues mark the point where the legendary Colossus of Rhodes – a giant 33-metre-tall statue of the Greek sun god Helios – is thought to have stood. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World but was destroyed in an earthquake in 226 BC.

From the statue, you retrace your steps down to the end of the breakwater and you’ll be back at the starting point of Liberty Gate.


 Copyright Ownership: images https://gr.pinterest.com/ & text https://www.ontheluce.com/walking-tour-of-rhodes-old-town-greece/




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