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Keynote Speakers




Prof. Em. Achille Maria Ippolito

Prof. Em. Achille Maria Ippolito

Prof. Em. Achille Maria Ippolito

Simonetta Bastelli Cultural Association, Italy



Short CV

Achille Maria Ippolito

Architect, essayist and University Professor. Born in Naples; residency in Rome; honorary residence in San Venanzo,Italy (TR). High Qualification Professor. As full professor in Architectural and Urban Composition, he has carried out teaching  carreer and research activities at the Sapienza University of Rome. Founder and Coordinator until the 21st cycle of the Doctorate in Landscape and Environment. Director of the master in Landscape Design; Professor at the master of Arquitectura del Paisatge in Barcelona. Founder and President of the cultural association "architetto Simonetta Bastelli". Organizer, speaker and member of scientific committees of international conferences. Since 2015 in the scientific committee of the International Conference: Changing Cities. Intense advertising activity: for Alinea he published Il parco urbano contemporaneo (2006); for FrancoAngeli he directs the series Paesaggi – Cit­tà Natura Infrastrutture and published: L’Archi­na­tura (2009), Il paesaggio urbano contemporaneo (2013), Pensieri di Paesaggio (2017) and Il Paesaggista; he edited, inserting essays and researches: Spazi urbani aperti, La percezione degli Spazi urbani aperti, analisi e proposte, Nature urbane per la città futura and various conference proceedings. He has also written for the Italian Encyclopedia Treccani, Il Paesaggio tra natura e antropizzazione, in Europa - le sfide della scienza (2018), in the Manual of green in architecture, Wolters Kluwer Italia, in Il Nuo­vo Manuale dell’Archi­tet­­to, coordinated by Bruno Zevi, Mancosu Editor and for various scientific journals.




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